Thursday, December 16, 2004

thank u mr H...hehe

alright...second week into my attachment...i'm like half dead cos kena bombarded by sup on alot of questions...think i won't fair well for midway eval...but i'll do my best...anyway now super lack of sleep...gotta prepare for tomolo's party...cos we have to organise games for our dept party tomolo...i hope things will go well...

sat having squash one-day camp...forgotten that it clashes with sze's bbq...will make it...die die i'll go cos i said i'm going...u guys have fun bbq~ing first lo...need anything like tibits or alcohol then i'll buy when i'm on my way there k...

As for U!
speechless...sweet enough of u to send me home juz now and even sweeter of u to give me a surprise...was stressed out the extend it's almost the same kinda stress i felt when i was having exam...well...tomolo's a brand new day...will be better i hope...can't wait for the weekends to come...esp next week's weekend...hehe...thank u so so much!!


Ryanhai said...

Ur Most Welcome! Wink wink.. Take care Miss Ya!!

gageism said...

is it winter?
so cold..

hair stand..
tsk tsk

Misspiggy said...

haha =p it's winter of cos...x'mas coming remember...haa