Thursday, January 31, 2008

Honey, I'm home!

Yes, I'm back from Hongkong...

Back alone at home...I love it...only thing is, I miss my baby boys...sigh...

anyway been busy...interview, talk, ran errands, settle loans, going for squash training later and gonna visit my ex boss and colleagues on fri!

busy busy busy...catch me if u can yar....

photos up...soon soon....

Friday, January 18, 2008


and so...handsome corrected me...

my last drink was 16 days it aint that long afterall...just that my memory failed me =p

and he corrected me (quote directly from his sms) that " I don't bitch hor...write tt in your blog. later other ppl misunderstand!"

yar if ppl will believe me when I write that in

~roll eyes~


wah liao...can u fly here quicker...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seeing the red...

after 16 weeks...

Seriously, is it due to the travelling or that my body is totally screwed up? Or could it be the alcohol?

Speaking of which, I haven't touched alcohol for the longest time I can remember...

Baby sitting is fun but it's getting to me...

And I think my hormones are acting up, which is why I'm alittle depressed now...

I am so looking forward to yd coming...I need someone whom I can bitch to...someone whom I dun have to mind my words or requires me to filter every single thought that I wanna bring across...someone who can take joke and not blow up...

I think I'm feeling alittle suppressed here...

I can't wait for yd to come...I cant wait to go home myself and be alone, I cant wait to go back to melbourne...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My gwad...

He was standing next to me, stuck to me like he wanted me to play with him...

Then he backfaced me and went " Pooooo....pooo..."

He turned around and gave me that cheeky chuckles.

Wah biang...My bro just shoved his baby son's diaper into my face while I was sleeping the other auggy deliberately farted into my face!

Like father like son...and they both find the thrill in terrorising me!!

Funniest thing a kid can say...

I was going to blog about my day to the Ocean Park with auggy and my parents + my night out to miao jie with my folks. But I reckon the following is funnier than my day out details...

Heard from my sis-in-law about what auggy blurted out in church yesterday during mass...I laughed like mad...

Bro and sis-in-law took the little ones to an evening mass yesterday. It was a quiet affair where everyone was praying and listening to what the pastor was saying.

Suddenly, Auggy announced this rather loudly to his parents


Serious...this was what he blurted out while everyone was doing their silent prayers...

Bro and him had to made a dash through the nearest exit to the toilet where auggy pooed a very very long shit...

my gosh...if i were in the church, i'll be the first one burst out laughing...

O and i heard behind them sat a nun...i wonder if she laughed...keke...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ninny nanny...

I'm a lazy bum...I didnt quite venture out despite reaching HK since Tuesday night...

Just wanna spend time with my baby boys and nua at home...haha...

here are some pics...

The pencil case that I bought and wrote auggy's name on...

The penguin that I bought for ben ben...

Hee...i'm happy...wee...

The ang bao that my aunt gave him...auggy's latest obsession - money...he took MY ang bao after knowing mine was more than his...very clever leh...

And he likes to punch, scratch me and snatch my handphone...that was him pinning me down...

went out with dad and auggy in the noon today... this little bugger ended up sleeping...he's now too heavy for us to carry him we ended up sitting in macs, drinking coffee and eating fries...

he woke up...stoned abit then ate the fries then continued to the end we decided to head home...haha...without walking around much...

While my parents put auggy to sleep at night...ben ben was thrown to I had to carry him around...sing songs...hum songs...rock and pat him to sleep...

so cute...cant help but kiss him lots...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hongkong, Hongkong!

He was suppose to sleep...

He heard me coming through the door...

He came out of the room and stood in the living room...

He looked at me for a few good minutes before breaking into smiles and called me "Gu Gu!"

He wanted to sit with me while I have my late dinner but it was suppose to be his bed time...

Told him to be good boy, go to sleep and that I'll see him tomorrow morning...

He went to bed with that frown on his face as if afraid that I'll be gone by the morning...

Yes...I finally saw my baby boy after a good 6 months...he is SO adorable. I couldn't help but give him a huge hug and smooch!

SOOOO happy to see auggy again! Sigh, I've missed him so much!

Btw little ben ben was asleep when I arrived...shall play with him tomorrow!

Monday, January 07, 2008

House Party Part 2

Our nite continued with more alcohol and drinking games...It was freaking hilarious!

Drink up!

Although he had this pukey face when drinking, I know he loved it...muah haha

Sze and I...I dun rem when we took this pic...but seemed we had lots of fun...haha

Sze and fen...

Okie buta and I...the bruises on my forehead and legs...all your fault! stop using ur karate on me!

Dunno what she was laughing about...

This pic is funny...dunno why i had that expression on me...must be due to them not allowing me to open the bottle...

Let me introduce you...yingkai...the guy who tried to use his karate stunts on me...and here u see...he was trying to stretch my leg...freaking painful k...

Eh you play cheat!! hmm..yilong looked gone in this pic...haha...

's always fun to see you high...and drunk...

Love this pic! so funny!

trying to pop the champagne....haha...

fen and yd...

the Sim brothers...

That was yk's hairy leg...for the record...when yk was drunk...he stuck his leg up everywhere!!! alot of photos had captured his freaking hairy leg...wah liao...

yd...u can really whore! I puking u also posed!

Funny pic...

At the end of the day...everyone was tired...

and sleepy...

presenting to you...the peeps who made this party a freaking fun one!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

House Party Part 1

And so the party began....

sze was hungry...haha...

Ck helping me cut the carrots for salad...

Getting ready for the party!

Me as the belly dancer...

Fen as waitress, James as bartender....

gage, the sexy cook ;)

Yilong, the funny ns man...(he was wearing gage's ns uniform btw..cheater bug!)

Sze as the sexy construction supervisor...

After this my camera died...other photos can be seen from gage's what he said...I think gage and I fit the theme 'seductive occupation' best...cos looking at the pics u'll know...btw Ck dressed up as personal trainer, Yingkai as karate master and Adrian as himself...hehe...

The party moved on after sumptuous dinner that were da bao-ed from chomp chomp by my beloved fen...

Pic upload to be continued...

Friday, January 04, 2008

Give me a sign to go from here...

Proper explanation and apologies. That's what I have been seeking all along.

I've only told a few around me, that I met up with Banker on the New Year Day itself.

The moment we saw each other, we just smiled. No tears, no hatred, no-feel-like-punching-his-face kinda feeling. Peace and at ease.

We just sat at the cafe and talked. He showed me his little girl's photos. She's adorable! Really a cute angel.

Stupid? Naive? Big heart? To agree upon meeting up with the man that broke me into million pieces.

I'm only human, I just want a closure that I've always needed - a proper one, face to face.

Tears since July are finally out of my system, words that I've planned to say to him I've said it. Time to look ahead =)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

thumbs up!

I had a great time last nite. Thank you sooooooooo much for making the effort to come!

Thank you fen for ta baoing the food.

Thank you adrian for helping to buy green tea.

Thank you ck for making the salad and the wine.

Thank you james for being the bartender.

Thank you yd for driving me to get the cake.

Thank you yilong for being so sporting.

Thank you yingkai for coming after work.

Thank you sze for rushing over for dinner.

Embracing 2008 with new bruises everywhere on my legs and arms...I hope it'll be a good year ahead...

To start it off, I'm thankful for the closure...

Happy new year everyone!

Pics will be up asap!