Tuesday, November 04, 2008

random thoughts...

I finally went to book a date for basic theory test. Seriously wanna get the license so that at least I can drive around abit. It'll be even better if I can own a car...or maybe not...

I tried to run all my errands today but only managed to get the basic theory date fixed cos the queue in the bloody driving centre was so long...planned to get my watch strap fixed but haven't gotten the time to do it. Always wanted to get it replace when I knock off but usually when I do, the shop is closed as well. It's been like what, 4 months since I bought it and actually wore a watch for real after so long. Maybe I never meant to wear a watch...haha...that's why I'm perpentually late...

At the moment I'm charging my camera. Battery was flat since the day of my graduation. I haven't uploaded graduation photos yet and I have yet to upload mt buller photos too...I am a true blue procrastinator...cannot stand it...can someone wake me up pls...

I was so tired yesterday that I slept in and bummed at home the entire day...caught the marathon series of heroes 2 and ordered macdelivery for dinner simply becos I didnt wanna miss any episode and that no one was home the whole day...I can foresee myself replaying such scene in the next 10 years...how pathetic can one be...

O anyway, I finally opened the box that I sent back from Melbourne. I guess by opening it, it kinda mean I've finally accepted the fact that I'm back...for good...In the midst of opening the badly taped up box, I accidentally cut my thumb with the rusty penknife...Then in the evening I attempted piecing and fixing the metal clothes hanger I bought from Ikea the other day...in the midst of screwing the nails in...I accidentally jabbed the screwdriver into my thigh...could the screwdriver be any sharper, I think my neighbours can see me hopping down the flat trying to flag for a cab with the screwdriver still embedded in my thigh...

Sigh...for fuck sake...if I cannot even get these simple tasks done, how am I gonna live on my own in future...who knows if I try fixing the bulb, I may get myself electorcuted or try to fix the pipe and ended up flooding my unit? Then the worst thing is...who is gonna discover that I'm injured or dead when there's no one else around me...

maybe my pet guinea pig will discover my body and eventually eat me up cos no one is feeding him and he is too hungry...

1 comment:

Misspiggy said...

muack! see you tomorrow!