Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hurt beyond words...

Yes, I've cried tonnes...I think since last Sept...then again last Xmas, and again in Jan and then now...

Yes, I dun have the right to cry tonnes in the first place...

I am not proud of what I've done...

Yes, I should have known it coming and be able to leave unconditionally...but part of me couldn't bear to let go...

Yes, I shouldn't have followed my heart, thinking or rather hoping things will be different this time round...

It's back to July 2007...

The only difference is, I dun think I need closure this time round...

You've shown me enough to know what to hope for...only to be disappointed over and over again...

You said you're glad to have shared your life with me...I wanted to reply 'me too'...but some things were just not good enough...

It was never good enough...

I'm sorry it turned out this way...


Anonymous said...

Hi girl,

Just want to say that I am sadden by what you have written about how the person has hurt you and bring you so much pain. Sometimes leaving the room is tough. But you never know who is waiting for you behind that door until you open it, walk thru it and close the door behind you. Go forth and grasp the happiness you deserve. Leave the undeserving behind, locked up in that room, with keys burnt/thrown. You will emerge a better/stronger person.You will find the old you back.Dont be too hard on yourself too, cos this is just an experience that God has put in your life to mould you into a stronger person! JIA YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi jiahui, haven't see you for some time. But i do visit your blog when i'm not so tight on time. And everytime i read your post i was hoping that something good has enter your life. To try and find the feeling of reading your blog back in the school days when squash rockz and drinking is part of the life. "Faith faith" had make a good point.

Wiah that you can eventually open the "door" of your heart and that many happiness will fill in to surround you.

There are many people that you know or many not know and who still care for you.

Live life like if you die the next second there wouldn't be any regret.

START "walking"