Friday, April 23, 2010

sick woman's rants...

Kitty has been sick, so was Mr Fish...

Now it's my turn to get sick...sux big time...and I am still in the office trying to finish up work...sigh...

Sometimes I have the urge to up myself and go to another country to work or to live...just to get away from home for awhile...

It's been tiring, to juggle between being a daughter, an aunt and an employee. I'm not complaining but it is tiring to work ie. deal with kids and listen to parents' concerns then go home be a filial daughter and try to listen to mom's complaints and try to help out in looking after kitty just so they can have a breather. It's tiring to do all these within a day.

I am so sick of the complaints...seriously...most of the time if I do go home for dinner, it would be sitting down with kitty beside me playing while I eat, with mom sitting there telling me about dad's cough which is keeping her up in the night and how she's not getting enough sleep cos of his cough and kitty waking up...of how stubborn dad was for not listening to her advice in seeing doc for his cough...etc etc etc...

I know you need a let out...I know you need someone to hear you...I try to listen and help whenever I can...But it's sad to just listen and give whatever I have without being heard nor thought of. There is neither 'how has your day been at work?' nor 'how are you feeling'...

I want to tell you how tired I am but I know I shouldn't cos yours will always trump mine and it doesnt quite matter whether I am well or not...Perhaps the only consolation is the dinner you cooked for me...which I do appreciate very much...

Am I asking too much?

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