Saturday, September 24, 2011

Officially hate weddings....especially those that involve relatives...

It's a constant reminder of my age and my failure to sustain any of my relationships well enough to make it to the alter....

It sux...big time...

My only consolation is that I have my nephews and niece to tend to so that I dun have to be questioned by my aunts and least not directly all the time...

It's funny how some of them dun even know my occupation but care enough to wanna know when I'm gonna get hitched...sigh....


faith said...

no la they are just grabbing any topics to chit chat, just like for me they will ask about baby. trust me, its lined up as a set of qns depending on which stage of life you are at! Its just for the sake of casual chat, so dont read too much into it!!

Misspiggy said...

Still find them annoying!!!! Urgh!!

Jessie said...

you are a blessing to so many people in your life. especially for being so giving and loving to your niece and nephews. never let others make you feel small or unworthy - it's never someone's onus when relationships don't end with a happy ending. it always takes two hands to clap and are we forgetting about the very big F? - FATE..
love ya babe.

Misspiggy said...

Thanx hun! Love ya too! Thanx for ya msg...appreciate it!