Monday, September 22, 2008

I have never...

had such a great Saturday night despite working full day, having to rush from office to back home and then back to the same building to meet up with the boys for dinner at the restaurant beside my office...

The food at Okinawa restaurant was great! Portions were just right and enough to be shared among the 4 of us...

Went to crash someone's birthday party at a hotel...It was the fastest hi-bye birthday party I've ever been to...We all agreed that we've never wanted to make an exit as badly as this one...haha...

Decided to settle down in the cosy hotel room of mister t and we just sat there and chit chat through the night...nothing fanciful but I really did enjoy myself so's the company that counts...

As for today, I woke up with the weirdest dream ever...very comical one so it aint that bad...

Met up with Audrey for lunch cum tea and to accompany her in getting her camera...caught up with yd and mister t again...ended up shopping and grabbing some cute boxers on top of my new shoes...then head down for drinks and snack...

Lately I've been missing Melbourne so much...I miss the places we used to hang out, I miss the cold cold weather...I miss my friends over there too...Come to think of it, I've only been home for close to 3 many things had happened and it felt like the longest time ever...

Exactly, when can I go back there again?

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