Monday, March 22, 2010

la la la la

Pink Martini concert was good. I have never seen almost all the peeps doing a standing ovation and requesting for encore so enthusiastically! The last song I actually stood up and dance...can you imagine, missy me grooving to the music? I mean it's not the Kylie concert kinda dance, more like cuban dance kinda was great fun! I was really really impressed with their performance, their chemistry and how much they were enjoying themselves during the performance.

Friday night's dinner was great too even though I had to stay in office till 9pm. No doubt I was a dead meat when I went to meet my two's been awhile since we met up and just talked. Movies, songs, work, life....talked, bitched, discussed, commented...Thanx for all the valuable advice you guys gave one can be as honest as you are...appreciate that alot...

Sat night was with fen...dinner was great...Again, I was a dead meat when I went to meet her. I literally slept on my work desk while waiting for her to be done with her errands and to meet me...I didnt even respond when my colleague pat me on the shoulder to say bye...nonetheless, the catching up was awesome!

I think i'm really exhausted this entire week...

Now am coughing and fluey...sigh...I wish I can stay home to get some proper rest...Can I hibernate? pls???

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