Monday, October 08, 2012

I have been on hibernation mode over the weekends. Not sure why the exhaustion overtook me and despite sleeping in then, it didn't seem to quite help.

Need to plan for a getaway trip soon. This entire year, cooping in Singapore is just making me fidgety and edgy. I need to get out...soon...

Checking on air ticket to London...looks like Emirates has the cheapest deal...Just thinking how long should I stay there for...

I think I'm going to miss my travelling kaki...Am more than happy that I am replaced by her significant half...hehe...I bet he won't be half as entertaining as me =p At least no one to irritate her with nonsensical singing and requesting for frequent coffee breaks to recharge the often lethargic me...

Have never travelled far enough with someone else apart from her. Perhaps time for me to venture out on my own =)


Peifen said...

yah man.. where do u find such accomodating kaki who will sing along with u and say cheers in the middle of Angkor Wat?!
then again, u can save ur money from buying those expensive sweet potato! muahahaha...

Anyway, I do hope u will find my replacement too! tho i know that replacement will have a big shoe to fill... :p

Misspiggy said...

Excuse me...I'm irreplaceable too =p Where can you find such entertaining joker to travel with!