Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wish List

okie...since handsome say I anti-climax, I shall state some of the things I just thought of...

1. Miniature bull terrier (white with black patch on the eye)
2. Samsung G800 (Silver casing)
3. Purple metallic slippers (harviana slippers)
4. Navel ring
5. Wallet (Kate Spade...maybe?)
6. Duffy CD (Leonard bought me this! hehe)
7. Moloko CD
8. Air Ticket to Fiji Island or Maldive or NZ
9. Teardrop shape pendent (looked for it for ages...never found it...preferably diamond pls)
10. Good anti-aging cream
11. Ang mo bf

Dun get me alcohol...that will not be accepted...

alright that's about it...


Anonymous said...

Hey babe, happy birthday!! =)

Misspiggy said...

Thank you!!!