Friday, September 11, 2009


Here I am, at Narita Airpot transiting to go LA!

Good thing about it, I get to fly and travel alittle...bad thing about it, I am alittle sick and extremetly tired from the flight and the long hours of waiting time to transit...6.50am to 5pm...If not for the free internet access, I would have gone mad...

I realise I am quite a pig...I can sleep anywhere and everywhere...waiting area chair I could also doze off and even have dreams...haha...

Heading to LA for a course...a 2.5 days course...cost me 4 days of travelling time...tonnes of rearrangement on my schedule...ask me if I am excited...I think I am more tired than anything else...nonetheless, the notion of being able to get out singapore still excites me alittle =p

I cant wait for the bali trip this coming has been awhile since we all go on a trip together! The last one was Redang? or was it Koh Samui...ages ages ago....

So...what have I been up to this past month or so? I have been busy with work...been busy trying to upkeep my house since my parents were away from June till two days ago...mommy had great complaints of how I keep the house clean during their trip to is tiring to have to constantly think of when to sweep, mop, wash clothes etc...

And if you were guessing the reason I mia~ed for so long is because I have got into a relationship...

Bingo! hehe...kinda unexpected....anytime sooner or later...things would have been totally different...

It's funny...we went through a full circle and came back to meet one another...10 years...has it been that long? I found the photo we took during JC, we both looked hilariously least we look much better now ;p

You've matured over these years, I've been through lowest point of my life...right now, I am just thankful to have you by my side...

Actually last night, I was really happy...I'm surrounded by ppl who love me so much! Gage - who drove down after being a day of storeman, Sze - who came after losing a pack of blood, CK -who came with messy hair after his body pump, James - who came down despite his hectic work load and my crazy boyfriend - who went to and fro airport in the time span of a few hours...

okie...I cannot take it...need to go toilet brush teeth and wash up...perhaps I'll contiue later...


Jessie said...

u sound so happy!

and i am happy for ya! enjoy LA :)

gageism said...

miss j waiting to brush teeth... last thing i will expect to hear =X

Misspiggy said...

Jessie: hehe...thanx thanx...

gage: ooi...excuse me...I do brush my teeth okie...