Saturday, October 27, 2007


You know how when you've reached a certain age and you can't avoid but have to start doing things alone - cook alone, eat alone, watch movie alone, wash clothes alone, sleep alone and live alone...

Either you get use to this lifestyle start to fear the possibility of yourself doing that for the rest of your life and you try to look for the so-call lifetime partner or soul mate...

So what happens if one is comfortable with being alone but deem as a deviant by kins??

5 years from stepping on the big 3...I can already foresee that scenario with me being the main actress...

In fact, I can foresee my relatives asking me 'so when will it be your turn arh' during dodo's wedding this coming Dec...

they better not ask me...if they do...hmm...I'm still trying to think of an ans that will shut them up...for good...

'When my tummy is big, you'll know i'm getting married...'
'Another 10 years? I'm still waiting for my boyfriend to hit the legal age of having sex...'
'Tomorrow! Didnt Mom invite you guys for the dinner? I told her to inform all of you!'
Maybe I'll just pretend not hearing those questions and gorge myself silly with the sharks' fin soup...

btw there is sharks' fin soup right???


gageism said...

or.. you can hire me as an escort.
best frens price 50dollars per session..


Misspiggy said...

wah liao! 50 dollars!!! expensive leh...i would have thought u'll offer urself for much for saying you love me...hump!!!

CK said...

Try this:

I have yet to find someone worthy of my hand in marriage.


That'll set you guys up for some awkward silences.

Misspiggy said...

later they say i too picky how? But then picky is better than picking someone who turns out to be married...ho ho ho...

Anonymous said...

erh.. they will ask what qualities do u look for in a guy first. then say wahhh.. u have high expectations. then ..... u shld know what's to come. omg! i'm gg to spend my bday going through the exact same thing! arghhhh... stupid cousin had to choose MY bday of all days to hold his wedding dinner!!!! omg omg.. and my mom has like 9 siblings... so that's like .... 18 uncles & aunties nagging at me... :(

Misspiggy said...

o shit...jessie...i think your situation is worst than mine...hmm...use my ans copyright...u can even use them interchangably to different uncles and aunts...haha good eh?

gageism said...

eh.. economy no good leh..
ok la


anyway, i always say things that mean that marriage wont be so good in the end..
those adults often appear as though they 'truly' understand what i said

Misspiggy said...

35 bucks? deal...and they will all come in different forms of alcohol which u have to down them all...muah haha! deal deal!

Anonymous said...

Of course got sharks fin soup la! Anyway you can answer them "No boyfriend le...waiting for you to intro to me!!!!!!"