Friday, May 14, 2004

Bitter Sweet

Yeah...back from sentosa...haha gotten another set of bikini & a pair of slippers from my friends and being smacked by the second cake for this bday.
If only this year were my 21st bday...prehaps the bitterness I had about my parents won't persist from last year till now. I guess in future whenever my birthday approaches, the bitterness will come back and haunt me, reminding me of what had happened and how trival I may be to them (long story).
I do love my parents not that I dislike them simply because they did not celebrate my bday. Come on I ain't that childish. It's just that sometimes disappointment from love ones can hurt you deeper than anything else. Little gertures or casual remarks are good enough to break me into pieces...inside...
Say I'm petty or anything...either I inherited that from my dad or I juz remember unhappy things more vividly.
Hai~ I tired liao..need to sleep le...still deciding what kind of style to use for writing my blog...but then what the heck I'll juz write the way I want it...


CK said...

Babe. Just because they do not celebrate your birthday for you, doesn't mean that they do not care. My parents do not celebrate for me either, i'm thinking that our parent's generation tend to think of birthdays as not that important?

Misspiggy said...

call me a pampered child...i'm juz abit disappointed that's all...anyway once my bday over i'm fine...u know like a monster back to human self..haha...i'm the green monster that's all