Friday, May 28, 2004

I feel like drinking...feeling shitty....

Yup I'm a product of freaking singapore education system(as u can see I so wanna swear the word F***...but prefer to keep my blog slightly clean from vulgarities). At this point of time I'm feeling damn shitty cos...although I managed to score pretty well for my LLD assignment, I failed the case study report with 2.5 marks from reaching the passing grade. Damn it...I struggled with revision for exam and doing this report during the study week...and my effort seem to go down the drain.
yah yah am like a baby fussing about not able to pass assignment...wat's the big deal right...anyway I always magnify my failures instead of my success...something is wrong with me...I know...but I juz hate seeing my effort turn out like ash...meaningless.

okie I dun wanna talk about it anymore...the more I complain the more I feel like swearing...
Anyway spent the whole noon at yd's hostel...seeing him learning guitar from yk was pretty entertaining cos yd was trying to get the fingering right and hearing him scream while yk tortured him by stretching his-already-distorted fingers was so funny. Haha...after the guitar cum finger torment session, 3 of us went out to watch an italian movie. On our way to town...yd irritates us with his usual out-of-tune singing and the thing that makes me wanna slap him is he kept pretending as though he is the old time qi cham chinese lady who had to sing to make a living...worst of all he pretends that the guitar is his pi pa and he keep singing the song 'tian ya~ hai jiao.....'. I'm pretty amazed by his creativity man...making use of things around him to bug ppl, sometimes really make me pengz. By the way his act of being qi cham singer is so horrendous...I told him I'll throw him money juz so he'll stop.

Talking about the movie, it's 'Facing Window'...wanna know the storyline...go find out yourself...ain't going to explain here. It's quite an interesting movie...storyline is not bad...I like how the story is being told and presented to and yet indirect in some ways. If one day you're given the chance to save ppl...would you save those ppl who had turned their back against you first or will you choose to save ur lover first? Two paths and you're at the crossjunction...which path will you take?
The old man in the movie chose to save ppl who denied his presence while his lover was taken away to the concentration camp. Choices...always difficult to make a right one...but once you made your decision, make sure you can live with it...if not you'll regret and have to suffer the consequences for the rest of your life no matter how much effort are given to made up for it.
I like the part where the Lozendo and Giovanna constantly spy on each other through their windows...lusting for each other through the frame of their own. Weird thing is when Giovanna was at Lozendo's apartment and begin to view through the window she used to look at...the views are different...meaning to her life becomes different too...perhaps that's why their affair didn't proceed. Views we see from our frame are always nicer...but if we dun see it from another angle...we will never be able to reflect upon our own lives...

Phrase that I like from the movie 'Don't be contended just because you're surviving....demand what you want in life...' Makes me wonder...cos I often think that life will be simpler and happier if I'm more easily contended with what I that not true?


TikiTakiBoi said...

So you wanna believe in not being contented with life?

Trying hard to fight for your happyiness?
Perhaps it'll make things seem more worthwhile in the

Then again, we only need to see our own situation in
life, in another way, to know what we need or need not
change... but that takes certain 'painful' events to
know so...

Gerard Tay said...

wah... word count is 595.. u writin essay sia.. WAHAHA... jack be nimble.. jack be quick.. jack jumps over.. e candlestick!! wahahahaa....

Misspiggy said...

hai case u dunno...i dun update my blog often whenever i write always one whole chunk one...u think like u ah..always so many things to complain..=p