Saturday, December 31, 2005

woke up late today...despite auggy's cries...i continue to sleep...thus i was late for my fyp proj...hehe...such a pig...

anyway after sorting out the data...i went down to have my hair coloured and trimmed...colour looked almost the same...but at least it suits my skin colour...and the hairdresser was pretty nice to me...although i do hope that he was the one who cut my hair cos i think he's much better than the one who did mine...sigh...never mind lah....

look good...feel good...and i finally understand...good looking ppl always get better treatment...i always tot it'll be enough to juz be sincere to another person...but no...human beings are that superficial...really...

anyway...after getting my hair done...i went to shop around alone...from 330 to 730 while waiting for fen to knock off and meet me for dinner...was quite desperate to meet her...cos havent seen her since i was back from my i pathetically begged her to meet up with me...keke...

bought dad a polo t-shirt while shopping...was on sale at robinson...and thinking that i didnt get him anything from my trip...i chose a relatively light colour shirt to make it up to him...hee...hopefully not too big...think mom will be jealous...cos i also didnt buy her anything from my trip...=p

finally had my first meal at 530...cos was rushing from places to places doing stuff...i actually forgot that i havent eaten anything except for the soya bean milk i drank in the i sat in the bras barsa mac...munching chicken fold...watever it's called...btw the kfc chicken fold we had at thailand tasted so much better...

munched and read my book till evening time then i head down to national lib to look for a book that i wan...bloody lib...despite being so's freaking empty...dun even have the book that i wan...disappointed...

more shopping with my gal..was helping her in getting an outfit for the wedding she has to attend tomolo...bought her a belated bday handbag...hehe...low cost but nice one...

went to test for perfume at sasa...and u know wat...there are some that smell like tequila bluffing...eek...weird smell...or is it juz me...muah haha...

okie we walked till our legs gave way(i walked for like more than 7 hours in a pair of wedges...winner right... ) and had to settle at brecko for a drink...praise this cafe...they actually have stella at 2 for 10 we sat down and drink much to update each other! and i juz love to chill out like that!!!

yeah...tomolo we'll meet again...we shall embrace 2006 in each other's company...fen...why are u not a guy? or why am i not a guy?? or why arent we a pair of lesbian couple??? muah haha....

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