Monday, September 03, 2007

little things that make me laugh...


I dreamt about buying chardonnay last nite...guess I should have bought one from the vineyard bottle of vino dolce is indeed not enough...subconsciously my mind is telling me I should have bought another bottle during the mornington trip yesterday...I should seriously consider going for wine tasting and vineyard visits soon...muah haha...

Was cooking my dinner downstairs...the girl was making phone call...the guy was filling up hot water bag...three of us ended up talking and gossiping about our darn funny can...we were whispering to one another...cos the walls are so thin...scared our landlord may hear us...I actually finished eating my plate of noodles while talking to them...darn darn funny...I didnt know my housemate are such funny ppl...anyway all of us gonna move out by end of semester =p

gonna sleep...tired...and was feeling blue cos of tiredness...gonna rest...nitenite...


gageism said...

so happy to read that you are having lots of fun
be the best you can!


rem to jio me to go vineyard :p

Misspiggy said...

of cos i'll jio u for vineyard visits...we'll get tipsy together..haha