Sunday, January 13, 2008

Funniest thing a kid can say...

I was going to blog about my day to the Ocean Park with auggy and my parents + my night out to miao jie with my folks. But I reckon the following is funnier than my day out details...

Heard from my sis-in-law about what auggy blurted out in church yesterday during mass...I laughed like mad...

Bro and sis-in-law took the little ones to an evening mass yesterday. It was a quiet affair where everyone was praying and listening to what the pastor was saying.

Suddenly, Auggy announced this rather loudly to his parents


Serious...this was what he blurted out while everyone was doing their silent prayers...

Bro and him had to made a dash through the nearest exit to the toilet where auggy pooed a very very long shit...

my gosh...if i were in the church, i'll be the first one burst out laughing...

O and i heard behind them sat a nun...i wonder if she laughed...keke...

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