Tuesday, May 01, 2012

New road hazard coming your way!

I did it! Finally passed the driving test and got my license after all these years! Yippee!

What touched me the most was my dear instructor. Not the fat and sarcastic one (still have to thank him for his guidance and patience though :p). This particular instructor taught me in the midst of my lessons as my previous good instructor gotten pulled out of the team due to medical condition.

He's a very funny man who joked, guided and looked out for me, pretty much like a dad. True that I am a consumer and it is only right for him to do all these but I have never thought he would go that extra mile for me. I am, afterall, just one of his many many students.

I kinda whined and complained to him about how the first test, I was all turned off by the fact that I was given old car instead of my usual training car for the practical test. If I am a good driver, new or old car should not affect my performance. But I've paid so much and for me to make such adjustment within such as short time frame, I was just pissed. And I just couldn't perform with this mental barrier.

Anyway, this test, I didn't tell anyone at all. No one knew. I just refused to say anything. Not even to my buddies. Went for the test as per usual, psyching myself up that I would be tested using the old Toyota.

I was surprised to see my instructor at the car poach, telling me I would be using my training car 288. Even more surprised to find out later on, that he made a one-to-one exchange, just so that I could have that car for the test. This mean that he had to use the old car for at least 3-4 other students' lessons in that afternoon. He did it on his own accord. Which really touched me. I seriously would not have thought that he would do that for me. So loved!

Pretty happy that I got to thank him personally thereafter. 10 demerit points -No mount curb this time round; got one nice taxi uncle gave way to me for me to over take, managed to lane change with all the cars voom voom passed. O plus the fact that, according to my instructor, my tester was supposed to be one who is very strict and let ppl pass so easily. I think I'm pretty lucky to have passed...heehee...

Now...who shall I terrorize to let me drive their cars...fen? yd? ck? sze?...onz? Muah haha..

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