Saturday, April 08, 2006

slept the longest ever for the whole of this week...

reached home near 8 only to find my self feeling dizzy from all the swinging, bouncing and wrestling with big size kid....

lying on my bedroom floor...i cant move an inch of my muscle...finally managed to get up ate some food and went to nua on the couch to watch tv...

it didnt take long before i dozed off and was sleeping on the the time i woke was 4 one bothered to wake me one...sigh...

so i woke up at 4...bathed and started reading book, sipping tea...felt so a few chapters...started to feel sleepy again so i finally went back to sleep in my bedroom...with lights off...been quite a while since i slept with lights off...not becos i'm afraid of dark but becos i need it to wake myself up in the middle of the nite to get up and do work....

coming weeks will be worse than this...sigh...typing this down already makes my stress level increase a notch...i wanna get out of singapore after this any where....i need a break...desperately...all these madness rushing since exams in mid feb is thinning my blood vessels...i'm juz one step so near of getting a stroke....

i always have this image of my head getting so stress that it ballooned to such a size that eventually it juz burst when i'm still functioning....4 more weeks....i think should keep my head in ice to keep it from expanding...

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